深圳 大疆天空之城 | DJI Sky City - Landscape Design
Aerial view of DJI Sky City
As the global headquarters in Shenzhen for the DJI Company, “DJI Sky City” bears a vision to the future by the DJI team and the designers. The development contains many innovative “high-tech” breakthroughs; and, as the saying goes, anything difficult can be done if the people involved have the determination and vision to succeed.
Video by Y-AN STUDIO
大疆天空之城项目位于中国深圳市南山区留仙洞,占地面积1.76万平方米,建筑由英国福斯特建筑事务所(Foster + Partners)负责设计,景观由五贝设计(W & B Design)结合福斯特早期概念,进行方案深化及施工图设计,并和大疆团队共同监督完成景观建设全过程。
DJI Sky City project is located in Liuxiandong, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, covering an area of 17,600 square meters. The building was designed by Foster + Partners, a British architectural, engineering and integrated design practice. The landscape was designed by W & B Design, which, combined with Foster + Partners’ early concepts, developed the landscape design concepts and construction drawings and supervised the landscape construction process together with DJI team.
Photo of Sky Gardens
Photo of the Sky City
In 2018 W & B Design was selected to undertake the entire landscape design process of DJI Sky City, from schematic design development to construction drawings and construction supervision, based on W & B Design’s accurate understanding of the project and climatic considerations, perception of the architectural concepts and the innovative analysis and solutions of design difficulties, amid intense competition from many rival design companies.
A GIF image on Concept Analysis for Landscape Design
大疆天空之城红线内外总景观面积27,288平方米,为占地面积的1.55倍,由市政绿化、首层景观广场及主入口、裙楼屋顶景观花园、室内大堂、以及从中间楼层到顶部楼层的共13个室外“天空花园 Sky Garden”多个功能不同、特色不同的景观空间共同组成。五贝设计历时4年余,从方案设计的多次推敲颠覆深化、设计理念的反复论证、到特色植物配置试验、铺装材料、高空防风、雨水排水等细节设计、各专业施工图的叠合优化,以及最后施工阶段的持续现场指导,最后达成了大疆天空之城中“天空花园”的完美呈现,地面及空中各色休闲空间和生态植物终于悄然兴起、蓬勃生长、生机盎然。
The total landscape area both inside and outside the red line of DJI Sky City is 27,288 square meters, which is 1.55 times larger than the occupied land area. It consists of municipal greening, ground level landscape square and main entrance garden, rooftop landscape garden of the podium building, indoor lobby areas, and 13 outdoor "Sky Gardens" in total from the middle floor to the top floor. The “Sky Gardens" comprise different landscape spaces with varying functions and characteristics.
It took more than four years for W & B Design to develop the schematic designs, continually discussing all components of the emerging design concepts with the client and consultant team, including test matching and arrangement of special plants, optimising design details such as paving materials, high-altitude windbreaks and rainwater drainage, reviewing and integrating the landscape construction drawings with the other conultants’ construction details and providing continuous on-site guidance and supervision during all stages of construction.
The DJI Sky Gardens and surrounding landscape plazas and courtyards are now complete with the carefully selected plants flourishing.
Photo of High-rise Sky Garden
Photo of the Sky City
The project site has a height difference of about 4 to 5 meters from north to south. The building designers took advantage of this height difference to insert the podium building, the top of which is connected with the ground on the south side of the base at an upward angle of 2 degrees. The landscape square and urban greening touch naturally, together forming a special landscape space open to the public. The podium building gradually emerges as the building extends along the road which slopes down from the south to the north. From the outside, the podium building, decorated with natural stone panels, was shaped into the characteristic city outline of the Sky City and the space of the main entrance on the north side, while the internal roof garden of the podium building forms an ecological pedestrian entrance, providing a recreation space for employees in the urban green space that has been formed around it. The advanced vertical shape of the street trees and flora around the building and between the two towers further echo the architectural concept of the main building structure growing upward from a green earth, harmoniously blending with nature and reducing the oppressive feeling of the city caused by the scale of super tall buildings.
Photo of the entrance to the Ground Square
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
Photo of the Entrance to the North
五贝设计创始人田征先生提出天空之城景观方案深化设计理念为:“用现代艺术设计去感受当下生命之美Celebrate the beauty of life with inspired landscape design”
Mr. Tian Zheng, the founder of W & B Design, proposed the concept to develop the landscape scheme for DJI Sky City to "Celebrate the beauty of life with inspired landscape design ".
Photo of Sky Garden at Sunset
The starting point for W & B Design was to combine the innovative gene of DJI with the suspended pod style architectural characteristics of the Foster + Partners’ high-tech buildings. Through the introspection of the old and new world order and the integration needs between high-rise buildings of the modern city and natural environment, W & B Design explored the combination and innovation for natural wildness and regular city, innovative organic design techniques, enhancing communication experiences of unique spaces at high altitudes between human and nature, and finally realiising an organic landscape system integrated by the two-dimensional plane, three-dimensional space and human participation. Possibilities of various ecological design solutions were explored and implemented, such as the exploration of suitable plants at high altitudes along the coast of South China, the selection of plants with different colors and textures, and the application of suitable paving materials like faux stone. From the above, symbiosis between philosophy featured by natural wildness landscape and the high-tech minimalist style is realized.
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
Photo of High-rise Sky Garden
Photo of Sky Gardens
Photo of Roof Garden on the Podium Building
Photo of Paving Detail for Sky Garden
The result: a breathtaking, elegant twin tower building, with glass pods apparently defying gravity, grows in the green earth living with the city of Shenzhen. A landscape greening system which is 1.5 times larger than the occupied land area of the project and includes the main landscape square, the podium roof garden, indoor garden and thirteen 100-meter sky gardens that symbiotically grow upward with the structure of the building, integrating it with the city, nature, people with the sky, the four seasons with plants and flowers. Then, an ideal future sky city finally emerges.
Photo of Roof Garden on the Podium Building
Photo from the Perspective of the City
The number of landscape spaces in DJI Sky City is prolific. In addition to the municipal greening belt, the ground square and the roof garden of podium building, the thirteen outdoor sky gardens in various other areas are arranged in an orderly manner on top of the overhanging glass pods of the east and west towers. The difficult problems of high level plant selection, water supply, drainage, fixing and load-bearing were solved by repeatedly considering the multi-engineering construction details together with the designers and DJI team. From the reconsidering and reshaping of the landscape concept schemes to the developed design and implementation, DJI and W & B Design, with the heart of an artisan, brought the inspired vision to life.
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
Photo of Details for Low-floor Sky Garden
Photo of Details for Low-floor Sky Garden
Photo of High-rise Sky Garden
Comparison between Design and Completion Photos for
High-rise Sky Garden
The landscape and the building are harmoniously blended, and the glass pods on the main steel structure are vibrant and wild because of the plants in the "sky gardens". The functional landscape areas of DJI Sky City are divided into: reception space, exhibition space, fun space and other public spaces. The landscape design of different areas shows the beauty of modern, simple and natural space features. The space is naturally defined by landscape plants, and the space feeds back nature, defining sightlines and showing co-existence of the old and new worlds. The echoing to the building, the understanding about light and shadow, the unified spatial form, plant species, paving materials, design style and language are highly compatible with the aesthetic genes of the building and the DJI Company and the needs of each space function. The integration and interaction between the building and the city, the landscape and people are realised, and the aesthetic concept and the heart of an artisan by the landscape designers can be touched.
Photos of Roof Square and Entrance for
the Podium Building
Photos of Roof Square and Entrance for
the Podium Building
Photos of Roof Square and Entrance for
the Podium Building
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
Photo of Paving Details for Sky Garden
The podium building on the south side is integrated with the natural extension of urban greenbelt, which creates the podium roof square as a respect and gift to the city. It not only meets the needs of office and urban passage, but also combines the landscape with the pod style architecture. The artistic aesthetic pursuit for simplicity, introversion, ecology and nature is presented, with the vertical tree shapes, the most introverted and lightly-luxurious paving detail language, and the delicate night lighting.
Photo of the Municipal Green Belt
In the garden of podium building, the landscape designers deliberately slow down the time through winding paths featured by characteristic lines, pure and fine paving materials and workmanship details, with the staggered flora and large trees. Users under the sunlight and the shadows of the trees enjoy the relaxation and comfort of this moment before entering the towers; At leisure, people can take a short rest on the characteristic wooden chairs in the garden. By the dappled light and shadow through the gaps of trees and eyes full of green, people instantly relax, enjoying the beauty of nature, the power of life, and then infinite creativity constantly emerge in this sky garden.
Photo of Roof Garden for the Podium Building
The 13 scattered "Sky Gardens" are the spaces where DJI's "Sky City" is characterized by the integration of high-altitude outdoors and nature. The rustic paving materials, fine workmanship, natural and vibrant plants, and natural beauty asymmetrical to industrialization provide users with constant inspiration from natural wildness, disorder and regular, and infinite vitality.
Airview Photo ofthe Sky City
The light and powerful suspension bridge at a height of over 100 meters is the finishing touch of the architectural design of DJI Sky City. This bridge not only connects the two towers, but also connects the building with the city, and with the spirit of people. The optimized design including the details of the mirror waterscape on the side of the bridge further echoes the technological features and light curves of the bridge body and the building itself. The light reflects the bridge body through the water surface, and a few ripples are blown in the breeze. People walking through it are like walking in a dream, enjoying the unique charm and beauty of the Sky City.
Photo of the Sky Garden on the over 100-meter Bridge
Photo of the Sky Garden on the over 100-meter Bridge
The high-floor rooftop garden, as a pilot garden, was built first. The nearly one-year growth cycle offered the designers and DJI team countless experience and confidence. After careful maintenance by gardeners, high-altitude wind, high-altitude rainstorm and high-altitude heat, the plants in the garden are still vibrant and luxuriant, and the dynamic space levels are rich and orderly, reflecting the unique aesthetic prospect of the garden landscape. The sunrise halo reflects the outline of distant mountains, and the golden light of sunset falls on the buildings and the green plants. Then, a unique beauty and poetry of the sky garden at high-altitude emerges, with mountains in the distance, the city close at hand, people in the sky gardens, the suspended architectural glass body, the various colors of light and shadow, breathing and integrating by people together with natural plants.
Photo of High-rise Sky Garden
Photo of High-rise Sky Garden
Photo of High-rise Sky Garden
In the stage of developing schematic and construction drawings, plant selection not only considers the match between the ornamental nature of plants and the buildings from the spatial aesthetics point of view, but also takes into account high winds, heavy rain, heat , other growth maintenance and special concerns in the coastal areas of South China. With the joint efforts by all parties, the softscape plants were carefully selected, with the selection of non-viable trees and non-suitable species avoided. Starting from the concept of ecology, low carbon and environmental protection, through trial planting, both finally selected native suitable perennial ornamental plants, and finely controlled the planting ratio of different species, density and locations with shade or sun. Even in winter, the withering period, it will not have too much impact on the landscape effect, and it is always beautiful when the seasons change in turn. Finally, the unique features of the Sky Gardens full of vitality have been shown.
Demo for Design Elaborating on Plants Arrangement for
High-rise Sky Garden
The shaping of micro-terrain of Sky Gardens gives people a visual enjoyment of beauty and a sense of fullness and comfort. The planting takes advantage of the landforms to form unique height difference, echoing with the rolling hills, the sea and the city at a distance. The beauty of life and nature can be touched from the moment people step out of the building and enter the garden.
Photo of Landscape Paving Details for
High-rise Sky Garden
Photo of High-rise Roof Garden
For the fun space of DJI Sky City, the overall color matching is simple and introverted; landforms were shaped with rise and fall, the consideration of safety first, and the arrangements of characteristic plants. Through the brushstrokes by the landscape designers, the integration with the buildings, the city, and the distant mountains, sea and nature are shown while the functions of activities are still fulfilled. Then, a unique visual effect of landscape is presented while at the same time it becomes a place where people can relax and have fun.
Photo of the Fun Space
Photo of the Fun Space
DJI Sky City is a gift to Shenzhen. The architects and landscape architects work together to open up more space to the city and extend the natural landscape to the city, providing a more natural and comfortable public landscape environment for walking and resting, as well as reflecting the main building structure growing upward from a green earth. DJI Sky City is harmoniously integrated with the city and nature.
Photo of the Ground Square
Photo of Sky Garden and City
In order to realize the design concept "Celebrate the beauty of life with inspired landscape design" by the landscape architects, the planting design is different from that of conventional projects, whether it is for the podium building, indoor or high-rise sky gardens. The W & B Design and DJI team worked together to consider, test, and implement the design. The shrubs and plants were selected to preserve the natural vitality of the wildness; DJI's industrial innovation and the linear beauty of pod style architecture by Foster + Partners were taken into account.. The careful arrangements of beautiful large evergreen shrubs and perennial ornamental flowers makes the green plants show vigorous vitality, providing a myriad of different color all year round. The pavement and groundcover plants are naturally integrated; the different sizes, colors and fine pavement and plants echo each other in light and shadow, creating a richer green space in proportion to the layouts of the functional spaces.
Photo of Landscape Paving Details for Sky Garden
Photo of Landscape Paving Details for Sky Garden
Construction Craftsmanship
Superior craftsmanship and carefully designed details are behind every design element, reflecting the pursuit by the designers for beauty and respect to nature. The Sky Gardens echo the natural beauty of the Sky City, represent the pursuit by landscape designers for quality of modern craftsmanship, and the pursuit for urban carbon neutrality, sponge city, ecology, environmental protection, water resources and other technologies.
Comparison between Design and Completion Photos for
Low-floor Sky Garden
Construction Process for Sky Garden
Photos during and after the Construction of
Roof Garden for the Podium Building
希望五贝设计和福斯特、大疆共同打造的大疆天空之城中的各个景观空间和特色的“天空花园 Sky Garden”,能经得起时间的考验,实现景观设计负责人田征先生以及Mark和Scott等设计师们“用现代艺术设计去感受当下生命之美Celebrate the beauty of life with inspired landscape design” 的设计初心。
We are confident that the featured Sky Gardens and the various landscape spaces in DJI Sky City created together by W & B Design, Foster + Partners and the DJI Company will stand the test of time, and will "Celebrate the beauty of life with inspired landscape design” the theme set by Mr. Tian Zheng, the head of landscape design, together with designers Mr. Mark Dunstan, Mr Scott Wegener and the rest of the W & B Design team.
Photo of the Sky City
项目名称 | 大疆深圳总部-天空之城
业主单位 | 深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司
业主方设计管理团队 | 大疆置业
景观设计 | 上海五贝景观设计有限公司
设计总监 | 田征
设计团队 | Mark Dunstan、Scott Wegener、何荣章、唐春晓、刘礼、李江波、郑俊聪、付晓霞、周羽锋、黄宇帆
建筑设计 | 英国福斯特及合伙人有限公司 、华阳国际设计集团
室内设计 | 深圳洪涛集团股份有限公司
室内日式景观设计 | 植彌加藤造園株式会社
景观施工单位 | 广州华苑园林股份有限公司
泛光照明 | 英国福斯特及合伙人有限公司 、深圳市汉都设计顾问有限公司
摄影单位 | Holi河狸-景观摄影、沿岸视觉、DJI大疆
项目地址 | 深圳南山区兴科路与仙茶路交汇处
红线内外项目景观面积 | 26958.41㎡
设计时间 | 2019年4月
完成时间 | 2022年9月
感谢 五贝景观设计
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